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Sebastian Straßburg


Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, English Seminar
Reinhart-Koselleck Project “Diachronic Narratology”
Ph.D. Student

Belfortstraße 18, room 3013
79098 Freiburg
Tel. +49 0 761 203 98717


Sebastian Straßburg.jpg


Curriculum Vitae

Sebastian Straßburg is a doctoral researcher at the University of Freiburg in the Reinhart-Koselleck-Project “Diachronic Narratology.” Before joining the project in July 2020, he studied English Literature and German Philology at Heidelberg University and graduated in 2019 with an MA thesis on “Dissemination of Values and the Agency of Form in the British Novel since the 1960s”; after graduation, he taught German at Durham University for a year with a DAAD scholarship. In winter term 2022/23, he visited Oxford University as a discretionary member of the English Faculty.

Main Areas of Research

His research interests include literary history and theory, narratology, and is focusing in his PhD project on representations of consciousness in early modern pastoral romances.

Conference Papers and Workshops

"Doubling the Representation of Consciousness in Early Modern Pastoral Romance", at the International Conference on Narrative 2024 in Newcastle, 17-19 April, 2024.

"Classical Influences on the Representation of Consciousness in Sidney’s Arcadia", at the Renaissance Society of America Conference 2024 in Chicago, 21-23 March, 2024.

"Representation of Female Moral and Ethical Authority in  Philip Sidney’s Arcadia (1593) and Anna Weamys’ Continuation (1652)" at Early Modern Women on Politics and Ethics (University of Gothenburg), 5-7 October, 2023.

"Representation of Consciousness in Sidney's Arcadia" at EUCOR 2023, 21-22 April, 2023.

"Expression of Affect by Embedded Narrators in Sidney's New Arcadia", at the International Conference on Narrative 2023, 1-4 March, 2023.

"Chapter Boundaries in Early Modern Prose Romances", at the European Society for the Study of English Conference 2022 Mainz, 29 August - 2 September, 2022.

The 2022 Project Narrative Summer Institute: Narrative Theory: Foundations and Innovations (Online), 11-22 July, 2022

"Bewusstseinsdarstellungen im frühneuzeitlichen englischen Hirtenroman" at the 4. Treffen des Forschungsverbundes ›Frühe Neuzeit Südwest‹, 5 November, 2021.

"Representing the Suffering Queens' Consciousness: A Study of Greene's Pandosto and Penelope's Web." at the International Conference on Narrative 2021, 19-21 May, 2021.



"Narrative Commentary and Scene Shifts in Early Modern Romance" at the European Society for the Study of English Conference 2024 Lausanne, 26-30 August, 2024



Other Conference Activities

Organizer of the Online Student Conference in German Studies "Gemeinschaft 2020", 25-26 July, 2020.

Organizer of the Second Heidelberg Graduate Student Conference in English Studies, 25-26 July, 2019.

Chair of the Panel "Memory, Identity, Trauma: Literary and Cultural Conceptualizations of Remembrance" at the First Heidelberg Graduate Student Conference in English Studies, 29-30 May, 2018.


Teaching Experience

Teaching Fellow for "English Academic Writing" at the University College Freiburg, 10/2021 – 03/2022.

Teaching Fellow for German Language at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University, 10/2019 – 07/2021.

Tutor for the "Survey of English Literature" at Freiburg University, 10/2021 – 03/2022.

Tutor for the "Survey of British and Postcolonial Literature" at Freiburg University, 04/2021 – 09/2021.

Tutor for the "Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English" at Heidelberg University, 10/2018 – 09/2019.